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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Welcome Back (Soon)!

Can you believe that the winter break is just a few days from ending? Sr. Madeleine and I hope you have had a restful break and are ready to get back into the swing of things.  It has been very quiet on campus--it will be nice to have you all back!

A couple of things to note:

On Friday, January 25 there will be a Movie Night at the Newman House (359 Old Westport Road) at 8PM.  The house will be open at 6PM.  If you would like a ride, just give us a call at the Religious Resource Office by 3PM (or call Fr. David on his cell).

Masses will resume the week of January 27.

Also be aware of the public health concerns with the flu.  It is highly recommended that you get the flu shot if you can.  The university is taking some precautions and will be contacting you (if they haven't already) on things you can do to protect yourself.  It may seem a little like overkill, but this is the perfect setting for the flu to quickly spread.  In regards to that, for the next couple of months we will refrain from offering the Cup at Mass.  Those who are unable to receive the host, just let Fr. David or Sr. Madeleine know before Mass and we can make arrangements for you to receive from the cup.  Also, if you are sick or coming down with something, please refrain from shaking hands during the sign of peace.  A simple smile and "peace be with you" is sufficient.

We have a lot of things that will be happening this semester and hope you will all join us!